Every year we write each other a letter, and get a little present. This year I made Caden some Toffee Crunch Cookies, you can find the recipe here, and got him a nice summer outfit. Caden got me a Charmed Aroma Candle. I have been wanting one for forever! They are so much fun, you can find my review here. We never usually go to crazy with gifts, but try to go on a trip or stay somewhere nice.
Since we have been married for 4 years I have to decided to write about 4 things I have learned in my 4 years of marriage. I have learned a lot more then 4 things, am no way a perfectionist at marriage, and I'm sure my list will get bigger and bigger as we are married, but these are 4 things that have stuck out to me the most!

2. Love isn't about grand gestures. It's found and proven in the little everyday things. Caden shows his love for me everyday when he goes to work to make it possible for me to stay home with the girls. Cooking a favorite meal, a short I Love You note, keeping the house clean, or even doing one of your husbands chores so he wont have to all show how much you love him.
3. He makes mistakes, and I make plenty of them. We are not perfect, and we should not expect perfection of ourselves or our spouses. Marriage requires patients, encouragement, lack of judgement, and forgiveness. I would be in trouble if Caden was not as understanding and patient with me as he is.
4. Communication is everything. As much as we think our husbands should know us well enough to figure out what we want, they don't. And vise versa. We need to be specific on what we need. We also need to communicate in a way that is loving and understanding. This is one thing Caden and I strive to be good at, Communicating.
Those are 4 things that have really stuck out to me and made our marriage stronger. I can not imagine my life with out Caden by my side. We have made so many fun memories as a couple and as a family.
I don't say this enough Caden... but I love being your wife. I am proud to be your wife. You continue to selflessly love me year after year. You'd do anything for me. You have supported me through everything. You make it possible for me to stay home with our girls and give us the best life we could ever ask for!
Happy 4 years to us! Love you babe!
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